Creative Wellness Blog

It Can Wait

A new AT&T survey has found that 70% of smartphone users are not only texting—they’re also surfing the web, tweeting, emailing, and doing other cell-phone related things while driving.

That’s pretty scary, isn’t it?

It’s illegal in most states to drive and text, but people still do it. Psychologists say that because texting can lead to the release of the pleasure chemical dopamine in the brain, it can become an addictive habit that is hard to break.

But is a Facebook post really worth your life or someone else’s? It can wait!

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Nancy Monson is a certified health and creativity coach who supports her clients to discover their healthier selves through personalized eating and exercise habits. She also speaks frequently on creativity, health, and diet topics. In addition, Nancy is a successful freelance writer. Her articles have been published in over 30 national magazines and newsletters, including Family Circle, Glamour, More, Reader’s Digest, Redbook, Shape,, Weight Watchers Magazine, and Woman’s Day. Nancy is the author of three consumer books: Creative Wellness, an ebook published in 2012; Craft to Heal: Soothing Your Soul with Sewing, Painting, and Other Crafts; and The Smart Guide to Boosting Your Energy, published by John Wiley and Sons in 1999.